Motivational conditions for ways of spending leisure time by adolescents in the light of their needs

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At present passive ways of spending leisure time are increasingly dominant, also among young people. A consequence of such a lifestyle often manifests itself in simple obesity among teenagers. Obesity that exists at a time when a slim and shapely figure is in fashion. The conducted research was aimed at identifying the motivation determining the choice of ways of spending leisure time by adolescents aged 12-16 (two groups: 75 boys and 75 girls) living in a big city. The author formulated hypotheses that the system and hierarchy of motivational dispositions of the respondents (the research took the form of a questionnaire) were dependent upon the respondents’ age and gender. These hypotheses were verified positively. For girls the most important factors (ranked according to diminishing importance) turned out to be social, emotional and cathartic premises in the choice of ways of spending leisure time. In case of boys these were emotional, cathartic and activity motives. Similarly, age is a factor that differentiates those questioned; with age particularly worrying is the evident decrease of the importance of motivation for active leisure time. Finally, the author implies some ways of stimulating young people – by adults – to undertake active forms of recreation.

Słowa kluczowe
adolescence, motivation, leisure time, needs