Risperidone in the treatment of children and adolescents

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The paper presents data concerning the use of risperidone, one of atypical neuroleptics, in the treatment of mental disorders in children and adolescents in the context of developmental age psychopharmacology. Discussed are factors limiting and making difficult proper use of pharmacotherapy in children and adolescents, as well specific features of this form of therapy as compared with adult psychopharmacotherapy, resulting, among other things, from a different drug metabolism. Subsequent chapters of the paper are devoted to general characteristics of risperidone, as one of atypical neuroleptics, its receptor affinity and clinical profile, side effects, its use in the treatment of mental disorders in children and adolescents and age-related criteria for registration. The main indication for risperidone is treatment of developmental age psychoses and prevention of their recurrences, treatment of behavioural disorders, particularly in children with intellectual deficit, as well as disorders associated with childhood autism, e.g. aggression, auto-aggression, stereotypies, psychomotor agitation. Highlighted is the option of use of risperidone in the treatment of tics, anorexia nervosa, obsessive-compulsive syndromes resistant to drugs of the SSRI group. Furthermore, discussed is a possible neuroprotective effect of risperidone, which may be particularly important in mental disorders in children and adolescents. In conclusion it was emphasized that risperidone occupies a special position among neuroleptics implemented in children and adolescents, as it is registered for treatment of this age group. This drug is extraordinarily useful in the treatment of developmental age mental disorders due to its efficacy and safety. However, we should not forget that there are very few large-scale, methodologically sound studies covering this issue. A favourable side-effect profile when administered at an adequate dosage should not decrease our cautiousness and vigilance as to the possibility of occurrence of unexpected adverse effects and complications.

Słowa kluczowe
risperidone, developmental age psychiatry, schizophrenia, behaviour disorders, autism