Identification of reasons of school refusal behaviour provided by children and their parents

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School refusal behaviour is a serious problem, compromising lives of many children and their families and leading to several immediate and long-term sequels. According to the functional model, school refusal behaviour is usually a result of one or more factors: 1. Avoidance of school-associated places which evoke anxiety or depressive mood; 2. Escape from unpleasant and/or evaluating social situations; 3. Desire to focus parental attention on self or separation anxiety; 4. Rewarding extrascholar experiences. These four causative factors of school refusal behaviour were evaluated using a revised version of the School Refusal Assessment Scale (SRAS-R), including distinct subscales for children and their parents. This questionnaire serves to assess four functional conditions for school refusal as seen by children and parents. The study revealed significant difference between children and parents in identifying causes underlying school refusal behaviour.

Słowa kluczowe
school refusal behaviour, functional assessment, School Refusal Assessment Scale, adolescents, school phobia, anxiety