Behaviour in difficult situations – emotional survival
Henryk Skłodowski

Crisis is a fact of life. It commonly means difficulties but it is also perceived as a breakthrough, beginning of changes. In order to fight against crisis one must be aware of danger. The more we know about a potential threat, the easier it is to get prepared for struggle. Knowledge lets us control the situation. Crisis intervention should mean a fast situation diagnosis (identification of the crisis causes), identification of the situation of the person in crisis and the ability to cope with problems, ability to cooperate and get help. A major part is played by a clinical psychologist or a psychologist representing holistic approaches. Prevention of specialized atomisation of medicine is often discussed and measures are taken against hindering of patients complex treatment. Health is perceived in the context of psychosocial factors, as every disease is accompanied by strong emotions dependent on many factors. Due to appropriate support, motivation and energy to fight against it can be released. The issue of crisis and struggle against it was not appreciated in the past, although crisis as a phenomenon present in the sphere of human activity is an inevitable consequence of the reality one lives in. Many factors determine how one fights against it, such as: individual reactions, environment, circumstances. The author would like the mentioned issues to be treated as a contribution to the discussion on the “humanization of the world”, which cannot be achieved without the participation of us, psychologists who are humanists.