Chosen ethical and legal dilemmas associated with the pregnant women psychiatric hospitalisation

Błażej Kmieciak

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2011, 11 (4), p. 243-249

Sociological studies conducted over a few last years indicate that more and more Poles apply for psychiatric health care. Also more and more pregnant patients report to mental hospitals. Not only the treatment, but also the whole process of pregnant patients hospitalisation pose an unusual challenge for the physicians and nursing staff. Psychiatric hospitalisation of the pregnant women must involve the least disturbance, which is a fundamental rule in Polish psychiatry. The article below is aimed at portraying a few dilemmas which involve the care and treatment of the group of patients concerned. Some examples will be presented, relating to the compulsory hospitalisation, applying the direct coercion and electroconvulsive therapy to the patients expecting a baby, along with the principles which have to be observed during the mentioned procedures. Besides, the sensitive question of the so called psychiatric conditions entitling to perform an abortion will be discussed. This issue, discussed mainly abroad, has to be analysed also from the perspective of the Polish law. Therefore, in relation to the proposed topic, based on the specific case, the information will be presented about the Polish and foreign legal basis entitling to abortion on the one hand and the risk of the aborting women’s aggravated mental health on the other hand.

Słowa kluczowe
mental hospital, compulsory hospitalisation, pregnant patients, abortion, patients’ rights, human rights