Olfactory function in anorexia nervosa

Katarzyna Potęga vel Żabik1, Borys Ruszpel1,2, Maksymilian Bielecki1

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2012, 12 (2), p. 115-119

This paper presents a systematic review of the literature on olfactory functioning in women diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Ability to smell and olfactory memory have a significant impact on appetite and food perception, and therefore may be crucial for the course of eating disorders and their treatment. We analysed eight studies focusing on the following measures: odour identification, odour discrimination, and olfactory sensitivity. Deficits in olfactory functioning were shown only in some of the reviewed papers, in some others anorexia nervosa did not affect the results or even improved them. Three studies examined the impact of hospitalization on olfactory function. Patients retested at the end of the treatment achieved better results. Considering the current state of knowledge, it cannot be determined whether (and to what extent) anorexia nervosa affects functioning of the sense of smell. Few studies and considerable methodological differences among them make it impossible to obtain conclusive results, which indicates a need for further research in this area, especially the studies using larger and more homogeneous clinical samples and the control of anorexia nervosa subtype (restrictive vs. binge/purging) and coexisting disorders. Another important direction for further research is identification of moderating variables which are not directly related to psychopathology, such as temperamental, personality, and cognitive characteristics of the patients.

Słowa kluczowe
olfaction, anorexia nervosa, olfactory tests, smell identification, olfactory sensitivity