Transsexualism – questions and concerns

Magdalena Radko, Izabela Łucka, Joanna Pleskot‑Kaczmarek

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2012, 12 (2), p. 125-130

Puberty is the time to determine self‑identity, wishes and desires, also those concerning one’s sexuality. Searching the self, one’s sexual orientation, and finding first objects of desire are crucial as well as stressful and emotional experiences for adolescents. A young person faces many problems on her/his journey to self‑discovery, especially if what she/he finds does not fit the social context and/or is not accepted by the families and friends. Such issues develop into a burden hard to bear for the adolescent. Problems with accepting one’s sexuality and how it is perceived by the family and/or the society may result in depression, anxiety, eating disorders or different forms of self‑aggression. In the face of such dangerous risks to mental health of an adolescent it is worth to consider the broad spectrum of aspects determining sexual diversity and the consequence of coming‑out. The authors wanted to analyze the context of transsexualism based on a case study, taking into consideration the patient’s personality patterns, family background, trauma factors and the consequences of coming out within the family and social context in conservative society. The authors wanted to present a case study of a person discovering his sexual identity taking into consideration the inter‑subject conditions, previous traumatic events as well as the patient’s family context. The authors wanted to emphasize the complexity of the coming‑out process, which is possible only in the atmosphere of understanding, support and acceptance. Thus the crucial role of the environment, which might foster and facilitate the process of self‑discovery or thwart it, has been shown. Controversies, questions and doubts connected with transsexualism are present in many different environments. The case study of the hospitalized patient shows the complexity of problems the patients with sexual identity disorders have to deal with on daily basis. According to the authors, comprehensive and integrated therapeutic activities should be a priority giving transsexual patients a chance for calm and dignified life in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

Słowa kluczowe
transsexualism, adolescence, depression, self‑aggression, case study