Types of psychomotor developmental disorders in children before the age of 3 years and the meaning of the early intervention for the child’s future development – preliminary research
Anna Klimek1, Anna Górska2, Marzenna Radecka1, Emilia Podgórska3, Ewa Zarzecka1

Aim of the study: The analysis of the types of developmental disorders in early childhood. Material and methods: Seventy-one children at the age from 7 days to 3 years who came to The Early Intervention Centre for Handicapped Children “Give the Chance” at University Children’s Clinical Hospital in Bialystok in 2010 were examined. There were 46 (65%) boys and 25 (35%) girls in that group. The most common reason for coming to the Centre was the psychomotor retardation – 38 (54%) subjects. In the Centre the diagnosis included: developmental interview, psychological, pedagogical and speech-therapy research. The evaluation of the psychomotor development in the psychological investigation was made using the Brunet-Lézine Scale of Psychomotor Development. The opinion on the symptoms of pervasive developmental disorder was based on diagnostic criteria contained in ICD-10. Results: The delayed development of the active speech was diagnosed in 71 (100%) subjects. Forty-one (58%) patients had psychomotor retardation without the features of the pervasive developmental disorder. Pervasive developmental disorder was diagnosed in 19 (27%) subjects. The quotient of the psychomotor development was 77. Therapeutic influences included: psychoeducation – 65 (92%) subjects, pedagogical therapy and speech-therapy – 13 (18%) subjects, emotional support – 65 (92%) subjects, systematic group classes for parents – 10 (14%) subjects. Conclusions: 1) The developmental disorder was diagnosed in the majority of the examined children – 41 (58%) subjects. 2) Pervasive developmental disorder was diagnosed in 19 (27%) subjects, which is in accordance with the worldwide tendency for the growth of the number of diagnosis connected with this disorder (“autism epidemics”).