Assumptions of therapeutic recreation and its role according to the research carried out in the vacation recreation centre Barretstown for children suffering from chronic and life threatening illnesses
Joanna Kondracka

Together with rapid progress of the contemporary medicine the number of children dying because of serious somatic diseases like cancer, haemophilia, immunodeficiency diseases is continually decreasing. At the same time the number of kids leaving lifelong with a serious chronic disease is going up. These children have to cope on the daily basis with side effects of their treatment, inability of participating in their healthy pears activities. They have to accept that they are different from healthy children or teens and get used to constant sense of danger. Just for these kids in US and some countries of Western Europe special therapeutic camps have been created. Barretstown in County Wicklow, Ireland is one of them and people working there are trying to help children suffering from chronic diseases using program of therapeutic recreation (TR). The theoretical background of TR is based on the belief that human being is able to enrich and redefine himself in creative action that involves four stages: challenge, success, reflexion, discovery. According to Peter Kearney, professor of paediatrics at the University College of Cork in Ireland, the process that underage patients coming to Barretstown are taking part in is very similar to the process known in the literature as rite of passage. There were several research studies taking place in Barretstown that were to observe and measure the influence and efficiency of TR in general improvement of sick children’s wellbeing. The results are presented in following study. Further research and case studies would be of great need. The results and psychological observations so far are confirming essential influence of TR in helping and supporting kids suffering from chronic diseases and their families.