Insight into illness and a sense of the impact on its course and social functioning of patients with schizophrenia

The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between the level of insight and a sense of the impact on the course of the disease, and its impact on the level of social functioning of patients with schizophrenia. The study group consisted of 152 patients with schizophrenia, 91 women (59.9%) and 61 men (40.1%) hospitalized in the St. Hedwig Provincial Specialist Complex of Neuropsychiatry in Opole and in the Józef Babiński Specialist Hospital SPZOZ in Cracow. The study was conducted by a method of diagnostic poll with the use of questionnaire technique and the applied research tools were three standardized inquiry forms: A Questionnaire of Insight into Schizophrenia – “My Thoughts and Feelings,” Brief Measure to Assess Perception of Self-Influence on the Disease Course – Version for Schizophrenia and The Social Functioning Scale created by Max Birchwood. Based on the obtained results it was found out that the level of insight into illness and a sense of the impact on its course in patients with schizophrenia are averages, and the level of social functioning in each of its components is different – the patients show the highest level of functioning in the area of leaving the isolation, communication and interpersonal relationships and possible independence (potential). In terms of recreation and entertainment, and self-realized they show a moderate level of functioning but low in social interactions, labour and employment. It was also found out that with increasing levels of insight into the disease the sense of the impact on its course increases, determining thereby an increase in the level of social functioning in all areas.