A psychological approach in stuttering therapy

Agata Błachnio, Aneta Przepiórka

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2013, 13 (2), p. 121–125

The presented article concerns the issue of stuttering therapy and takes into account the psychological approach. Stuttering is not only a speech fluency disorder, but the symptoms occur on several levels: neurophysiological, social and psychological. Considering the complexity of this disorder, stuttering therapy requires an interdisciplinary approach that focuses particularly on dealing with the patient’s emotions and reducing the related pathological anxiety – logophobia. This article aims to discuss the methods used in the treatment of stuttering, and assess their effectiveness. The main division of methods assumes the existence of two approaches: direct and indirect methods. Methods of direct impact on speech are aimed at reducing speech disfluencies. Among them are: rhythmisation of speech, supporting movements of hands while speaking, and extension of statements. On the other hand, indirect methods are complementary and are aimed at reducing anxiety and tension appearing in stuttering individuals. Various relaxation techniques, visualization and autogenic training may be enumerated here. These methods focus on stuttering patients’ emotions. In addition, techniques such as music therapy, psychodrama, hippotherapy, desensitization and desensibilisation are effective ways to improve the psychosocial functioning of stuttering individuals. This is a review article, so it may be used as a basis for the development and implementation of therapeutic programs with participation of a speech therapist and psychologist.

Słowa kluczowe
therapy, stuttering, psychology, indirect methods, direct methods