Anxiety and life quality as the determinants of the sense of hopelessness in adolescents

Agnieszka Kulik, Elżbieta Sądel

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2013, 13 (2), p. 83–91

The sense of hopelessness is a common experience among adolescents. Hopelessness was defined as an important element characteristic of depression. The study was aimed at answering the question why adolescents aged 16–18 years experience the sense of hopelessness. The relationships between the quality of life, anxiety and hopelessness were examined. The research was conducted on the group of 307 students aged 16–18 years. Three methods were applied: Quality of Life Questionnaire (QOLQ) by R.L. Schalock and K.D. Keith in Polish adaptation of M. Oleś, the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) by C.D. Spielberger, J. Strelau, M. Tysarczyk and K. Wrześniewski as well as the Beck Hopelessness Scale (BHS) by A.T. Beck in Polish adaptation made by P. Oleś and A. Juros. The research proved that in the group of adolescents 50.8% do not experience hopelessness, 31.3% are characterized by a mild sense of hopelessness, 10.7% – a moderate sense of hopelessness and 7.2% – a deep sense of hopelessness. According to the analyses, the sense of hopelessness is determined by the quality of life as well as the level of anxiety. The obtained results also indicated that the sense of hopelessness is explained in 39% among boys and 30% among girls by the established factors. In the group of girls the most significant in contributing to the sense of hopelessness was the lack of satisfaction from the situation (24.9%) and anxiety (5.2%), whereas in the group of boys it was fearfulness (32.6%), lack of satisfaction from success (3.4%) and interpersonal relationships (2.7%). In the interviewed sample, age and dwelling place do not determine the sense of hopelessness.

Słowa kluczowe
sense of hopelessness, quality of life, anxiety, adolescence, youth, perception