Combat stress: history and now. Polish perspective

Henryk Skłodowski1, Paweł Błaszczyński2

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PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2013, 13 (2), p. 126–131

The combat stress and its psychopathological consequences have been an interesting subject for psychologists and psychiatrists for more than one hundred years. The specificity of the battlefield stressors as well as their consequences has profoundly changed since then. There are many publications on the subject available now, but most of them are of a very fragmentary character. At the same time there is a demand for contemporary Polish publications about the combat stress. The article contains a short history of the combat stress subject in psychiatry and psychology, the contemporary presentation of the subject and ways of applying this term. The authors’ intension was to show the correlations between the approach to combat stress and such factors as the type of military operations, recent knowledge about stress reactions and possibilities of curing them. Epidemiology of the stress reactions in the battlefield was shown for the last decades’ wars and its influence on the research on stress reactions in the domain of psychology and psychiatry. It was emphasized that researchers and practitioners still have much to do about the combat stress. One of the most important goals of the article was to show the Polish perspective of the combat stress compared to the world mainstream in the research and practice. The authors have also shown the most important contemporary Polish publications about the combat stress.

Słowa kluczowe
combat stress, PTSD, reaction to stress, shell shock, army