Health behaviors versus health locus of control in the patients after kidney transplant
Krystyna Kurowska, Lidia Wyrzucka

Introduction: Kidney transplant is the best method of terminal renal failure treatment. The transplanted organ can function properly only if the patients change their lifestyle. Preferred health behaviours are the basis. Aim: Defining the relation between preferred health behaviours and health locus of control, as a determinant of returning to optimal health. Material and research methods: The research was conducted in the Transplant and Surgery Clinic and Transplant Outpatients Clinic in the University Hospital number 1 in Bydgoszcz. It was carried out among 98 patients after kidney transplant. They were tested using Health Behaviour Inventory by Juczyński and Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale. Results: Patients differ among each other regarding health behaviours, however, all of them present a high level of health behaviours. Preventive behaviours, health practices and positive attitude were assessed high, whereas eating habits got a small amount of points. People between 41 and 50 years of age who have children, those living in the countryside, women and those patients for whom it was the first transplant, manifested more health behaviours. The vast majority of patients were convinced about the influence of others on their health, however they also claimed that their health was dependent on chance. Conclusion: The obtained results may help to enable better understanding of the needs of the patients after kidney transplant. Additionally, they may assist in education planning which may raise the level of knowledge and therefore help patients in taking care of their own health. The research may also serve as educational material for the patients and their families.