Language and communication difficulties in psychotic disorders and mood disorders – review of studies

Natalia Żurner-Szymańska1, Agnieszka Pawełczyk2, Jolanta Rabe-Jabłońska2

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2013, 13 (3), p. 191–196

The article is a review of literature on language and communication difficulties in the course of psychotic disorders and mood disorders. Disorders related to non-linguistic aspects of statements, i.e. understanding of discourse, humour, irony, metaphors, as well as prosodic aspects of statements are described. Language problems are caused by improper functioning of the right cerebral hemisphere. In the course of psychotic disorders the most severe difficulties refer to generation and maintenance of the discourse and prosodic aspects of statements. Furthermore, problems with integration of information, related to understanding of jokes and sarcasm, are observed. Non-linguistic nature of statements is not consistent with the uttered contents, which causes communication disorders with the environment. In patients with schizophrenia the dynamics of communication changes depends on the duration of the disease as well as applied pharmacotherapy. Besides, differences are observed between schizophrenic women and men in their capabilities to read emotions. In the course of mood disorders the language and communication deficits are more discreet and seldom observed. The most extensively described language problems are disturbances in emotional prosody which significantly affects the correct perception of verbally communicated information. In addition, difficulties with understanding of metaphors and grasping of jokes and irony are described, besides a disturbed capability within understanding of discourse was found. The study compared also communication dysfunctions in the course of psychotic disorders and mood disorders. Similarly as in psychotic disorders, in mood disorders the language difficulties occur within understanding of discourse as well as the capabilities to grasp the jokes, irony and sarcasm.

Słowa kluczowe
communication disorders, language disorders, right cerebral hemisphere, psychotic disorders, mood disorders