The estimation of different aspects of job, job affect and the level of job satisfaction perceived by studying nurses
Olga Kurnatowska1, Olga Bielan2, Anna J. Kurnatowska3

Nurses’ work requires an exclusive devotion and commitment. Although it is particularly burdening and highly stressful, it is not well paid and has a low status in the social hierarchy. The aim of the study was: 1) assessment and validity of various aspects of job; 2) understanding emotions towards nurses’ work; 3) determination of job satisfaction perceived by studying nurses. The study involved 281 students of extramural complementary Nursing Course at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The authors’ demographic questionnaire, the Work Description Inventory (WDI), the Job Affect Scale (JAS), and the Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) were used in the study. The obtained results were statistically analysed. Students obtained the average performance in the above mentioned measures of job evaluation. As regards the evaluation of superiors and the work content, the results obtained in the tested sample were slightly elevated. In terms of the importance of various aspects of job evaluation, the relationship with colleagues as well as the content and hours of work were found to be the most important, while salary appeared to be the least important aspect. The evaluation of the affect at work showed that students achieved the average results using the positive emotions scale and low results on the negative affect scale. The job satisfaction index values suggest that the students are on average satisfied with the work in their profession. On the basis of the performed study, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1) according to the students’ assessment, the relationship with colleagues as well as the content and time of work are the most important aspects of work, whereas salary is the least significant; 2) more than half of the surveyed felt positive emotions at their workplace; 3) respondents were on average satisfied with their work; 4) undertaking the extramural complementary nursing course is associated with students’ positive attitude towards the nursing profession and their place of work.