The introduction of the so-called special law on referral of dangerous offenders to personality treatment centers – socio-legal context
Błażej Kmieciak

The Act on the procedures related to people with mental disorders posing a danger to other people’s life, health or sexual freedom has been one of the most criticized legal acts over the recent months. A large group of lawyers and psychiatrists indicates that the proposed solutions are contrary to human rights standards which Poland adopted many years ago. It is emphasized that the law will create in our country the practice of using psychiatry for political purposes. On the other hand, those who defend the mentioned law indicate that some of the prisoners because of their personality disorders or sexual preference disorders intend to return to criminal activities, often directed against the life and health of children. It should be noted that at the end of the 80s in the 20th century a similar action led to the capital punishment of the mentioned people. Interestingly, for over 20 years no one undertook the subject of those prisoners whose capital punishment was later replaced with 25 years imprisonment. So is it true that the law concerned violates fundamental human rights and freedoms? Is there a real threat that the mentioned legal act could be used for political purposes? May psychiatrists be required to accomplish exclusively tasks of political nature? Is it possible that there is no other solution which would protect the public safety? Answers to such questions will be derived from analysis of official legal materials and media information and commentaries related to the said Act.