Diagnosis of executive functions in children
Natalia Maja Józefacka-Szram

Executive functions (EF) make possible resisting temptations, taking to think time before acting or staying focused. Core EFs are inhibition (self-control), cognitive flexibility (including multitasking, creatively thinking or seeing anything from different perspectives) and working memory. The developmental progression and representative measures of each are discussed, cause it no possibility to research it severally. At first diagnosis executive functions refer only to adults with brain injury or neurological disorders. Children diagnosis is a new branch not only in Poland, but also in the world. Cause is late developmental progression EFs (till to 25–30 ages). The most intensive change periods falls on preschool. Most of the tools adapt to examine children have been used for adults before. Main changes rely on graphics and overlong exposure time. Inhibitory control usually is examined by computer task like Stroop task or flanker task. Only Delay-of-gratification task computer is not needed. Working memory is the simplest elements to measure. There is possibility to use Forward-digit or Backward-digit span tasks from Wechsler scale or The Corsi Blocks Task. The most complicated parts of EF is cognitive flexibility predominantly examine by Dimensional Change Card Sort task or any variety of fluency task. Last research show positive correlation between school, job success or even enjoying of life and high level of EFs in childhood make that there is more and more tools examined this construct.