Good practice in child and adolescent psychiatry. Open Dialogue Approach in community psychiatry of developmental age – personal experience
Ewa Filipiak, Marta Palej-Cieplińska

Daily Centre of Psychiatry and Speech Disorders for Children and Adolescents in Wrocław is one of the first psychiatric health institution in Poland providing community treatment teams for children and their families. Due to insufficient number of indigenous models of community treatment of developmental age, our Centre staff, in 2013, completed a training in a new approach, termed “Open Dialogue” (ODA), which as a therapeutic method has proved to be effective in Scandinavian countries and in Germany. The method was founded and developed by Jaakko Seikkula and Brigitte Alakare. ODA derives from Tom Andersen’s Reflecting Processes and Yjrö Alanen’s Need Adapted Treatment. Mobile teams, provided by the Community Treatment Clinic, have started to implement ideas and organizational assumptions of ODA, by adapting them to the current health care system. The goal of this article is to present both possibilities and limitations of implementation of ODA to Polish conditions. This article refers to our first experiences relating to the independent project: “Child and adolescent community psychiatry – new quality. Need Adapted Treatment based on family resources and social networks”, founded by Marshal’s Office of Dolnośląskie Region.