Meaning and progress of art therapy workshop offered to teenage girls suffering from anorexia nervosa, hospitalized in the child psychiatric ward. Preliminary report
Joanna Kondracka

The aim of this paper was to observe, describe and evaluate the research study about the impact of art therapy workshops provided for female teenage patients suffering from anorexia nervosa. The art therapy workshops have been facilitated by the author of present work since December 2011 in the inpatient care of child and adolescent psychiatry clinic. In the workshops participated already 27 patients with 15 of them fulfilling the including criteria. Participants are asked to fill out questionnaires by the admission to the hospital and 6 months after finishing their treatment: EAT-26 (Eating Attitudes Test), EDI (Eating Disorder Inventory), YSR (Youth Self-Report) from the group of questionnaires from Child Behavior Checklist and KBPK (Sense of Control Questionnaire). Data received from the anticipated number of participants (around 30) would get compiled using factor and cluster analysis and compared with data received from control group. In addition after finishing the art therapy workshop cycle patients would be asked to fill out evaluation forms. Results of the evaluation forms obtained so far are presented as a attachment. The observation made by the author about the workshop offered in the ward and the answers given by girls in the evaluation questionnaire prove the existing demand on such a form of therapy within anorectic inpatients. The author hopes that analysis of the results given by final number of the workshop participants would enable reliable evaluation of the effectiveness received in the therapeutic process of art therapy workshop offered to the anorexia nervosa patients.