Inappropriate sinus tachycardia – clinical picture and possible psychogenic basis
Paweł Rasmus1, Elżbieta Kozłowska2, Joanna Ruchała2, Paweł Ptaszyński3, Krzysztof Kaczmarek3, Tomasz Sobów1

Relations between psychology, psychiatry and cardiology are multidimensional and begin to have growing importance in the diagnosis and treatment of patients of cardiosurgery, electrocardiology and cardiac rehabilitation. Palpitations in the course of tachycardia with narrow QRS are often a significant clinical problem. Improperly planned diagnosis can significantly extend the time for proper diagnosis and treatment implemented. Patients suffering from inappropriate sinus tachycardia sometimes for many years experience a severe somatic disease significantly lowering the quality of their life. Early diagnosis can reduce further unnecessary tests and reclaim the patient’s full physical fitness and a sense of well-being. It is known that psychological and social factors have a significant impact on the majority of cardiac diseases, and there is a correlation between stressful experiences and heart disease exacerbation. Another important problem is the need for early diagnosis and treatment of coexisting psychiatric disorders of cardiacs – due to the frequency of their occurrence and their impact on the quality of patients’ life. The detection of dysfunction by a cardiologist, psychologist, and psychiatric consultations can effectively prevent the accumulation of somatic and mental setback risk.