Psychological aspects of allergic disorders: the difficulties of adult patients with bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis

Paulina Albińska

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
PSYCHIATR. PSYCHOL. KLIN. 2014, 14 (4), p. 290–295
DOI: 10.15557/PiPK.2014.0040
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The aim of this article is to present a theoretical review of studies on psychological functioning of adult individuals who suffer from allergic disorders. This article focuses on adults because of a small number of scientific research dealing with a change in manifestation of symptoms in patients with the above-mentioned diseases which can be treated as the first and the last stage of the allergic march, because its symptomatic manifestation in children usually takes the form of atopic dermatitis, while in adults it is known as bronchial asthma. This analysis answers the question whether the common allergic and inflammatory aetiology of these disorders reflects the similarities of experienced psychological difficulties. The discussion refers to Polish and foreign literature from the last decade and takes into account the most common aspects of psychosomatic diseases such as asthma and atopic dermatitis, i.e. sleep disorders, depression, anxiety, other affective disorders, behavioural disorders and cognitive difficulties. The co-occurrence of mental and somatic disorders in patients suffering from allergy is the conclusive evidence on the integrity of the human psyche and soma, which is scarcely noticed by health-care decision makers. Thereby they ignore the important element of diagnostic and therapeutic process which is crucial for the recovery of patients with asthma and atopic dermatitis.

Słowa kluczowe
allergic disorders, asthma, atopic dermatitis, psychological aspects of diseases, psychosomatic disorders