Personality-related correlates of social phobia and their impact on sexual satisfaction – a preliminary report
Damian Kowalski1, Karolina Zalewska-Łunkiewicz2

Aim: The present study was focused on a preliminary analysis of the level of sexual satisfaction in individuals with social phobia as an aspect of the quality of functioning in close relationships. The relation between selected social anxiety correlates and specific sexual satisfaction dimensions was also verified. Selected aspects of sexual activity were controlled. Method: Twenty-six adults with diagnosed social phobia and 35 healthy adults filled out the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire [EPQ-R(S)], Cheek and Buss Shyness Scale (CBSS), Public Speaking Anxiety Questionnaire (GFER), Sexual Satisfaction Scale (SSS). Results: Individuals with social phobia experienced a lower level of emotional sexual satisfaction than individuals from the comparative sample, but the groups did not differ with respect to their general and physical sexual satisfaction or sexual satisfaction associated with the sense of control. The strongest correlate for emotional sexual satisfaction was found to be shyness. There were no significant associations between this aspect of satisfaction and symptoms of anxiety in the situation of social exposure. Conclusions: The preliminary findings warrant further exploration of the topic, as they suggest the predominance of the emotional aspect among the factors determining sexual satisfaction in adults with social phobia.