Selected cognitive-behavioural models of behavioural addictions
Angelika Kleszczewska-Albińska

The paper discusses behavioural addiction in the context of cognitive-behavioural model of therapy. Behavioural addiction can be diagnosed based on the six main criteria: (1) preoccupation with activity, (2) mood modification resulting from involvement in behaviour, (3) increased level of tolerance for the addictive activity, (4) withdrawal symptoms, (5) increased number of conflicts, and (6) relapses. According to research conducted in a representative sample of Polish population aged 15 years and older, the most popular behavioural addictions in our country include workaholism, shopaholism, internet addiction, social media addiction, smartphone addiction, and gambling. Cognitive-behavioural therapy is one of the most effective therapeutic strategies for behavioural addictions. This approach is based mostly on Beck’s and Ellis’s traditional models. The models of cognitive-behavioural therapy include identification of early maladaptive experiences resulting in negative core beliefs. They also refer to psychopathological factors that were developed later in lifetime. Furthermore, they incorporate description of negative automatic thoughts that trigger addictive behaviours, and allow to observe the vicious circle and entanglement in addictive activity, which initially perceived as a way for reducing the tension, used in excess contributes to increased individual’s discomfort. Cognitive-behavioural therapy in behaviourally addicted patients usually includes an analysis of four phases: (1) antecedent phase, (2) triggering phase, (3) the phase of satisfying the needs connected to the addiction, and (4) the phase following the accomplishment of the addictive behaviour. Cognitive-behavioural therapy includes various methods of work based on the knowledge about cognitive processes. Interventions in this approach are structuralised and limited in time. There are three basic phases of cognitive-behavioural therapy: (1) behaviour modification, (2) cognitive restructuring, and (3) harm reduction.