“I want to be honest. Is it something bad?” Clinical psychology case study – neuropsychology. An example for a State Examination

Julia Wyszomirska, Anna Daniel-Sielańczyk

Affiliacja i adres do korespondencji
Psychiatr Psychol Klin 2022, 22 (2), p. 134–144
DOI: 10.15557/PiPK.2022.0019
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The publication was created in response to specialists’ demand for access to sample case studies prepared according to the guidelines for specialty examination in clinical psychology. Its aim is to present the diagnostic application process as well as an example of a positively assessed case during the 2017 examination. The case study does not constitute the full version presented to the Examination Committee as it was adjusted to the guidelines of the Journal. The paper is a continuation of a series of articles published in the “Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology” in previous years, presenting case reports from clinical psychology of adult mental disorders (Rasmus et al., 2019) and neuropsychology (Binder-Olibrowska et al., 2020).

Słowa kluczowe
clinical psychology, neuropsychology, case study, traumatic brain injury