Short-term intensive group therapy in the clinical treatment of adolescents with the diagnosis of anorexia and bulimia nervosa at “Neuromed” Neuropsychiatry Centre in Wrocław
Małgorzata Kaczmarek-Fojtar1, Piotr Musiał2, Monika Szewczuk-Bogusławska2

In some patients diagnosed with eating disorders the application of standard therapeutic modalities is ineffective or results in incomplete remission of symptoms. It is worth pointing out that 51–73% of patients discontinue their treatment. Therefore, there is an ongoing search for psychotherapeutic methods that would increase the effectiveness of treatment in this group of patients. One of them is psychodynamic group therapy. For adolescents, both when it comes to healthy teenagers and those meeting the criteria of psychological disorders, being in touch with their peers serves important developmental functions. Above all, it provides a chance to differentiate oneself from the family system and create a separate identity. The aim of the article is to describe our experience and work methods related to the provision of an intense, two-week-long group therapy for adolescent patients diagnosed with eating disorders. The role of pre-treatment psychotherapy consultations as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria will be discussed, as this form of therapy is directed at a selected group of patients. For several years now, group psychotherapy has been a part of outpatient treatment of patients with eating disorders at the “Neuromed” Neuropsychiatry Centre in Wrocław. The method relies on various elements such as psychoeducation and art therapy. Work techniques are reinforced by therapeutic dialogue, clarification, confrontation, and talking through the group process. The therapy is focused on activating the processes of introspection and mentalisation. The aims of group psychotherapy include gaining in-depth insights into the psychotherapeutic diagnosis, strengthening the motivation for treatment, addressing distorted body image, engaging in self-reflection, and increasing the awareness of functioning in interpersonal relationships.