Cognitive functioning of a patient with herpes simplex virus encephalitis – a case study. An exemplary paper for the State Examination in the field of clinical psychology – neuropsychology
Dorota Anita Zielińska

This paper is an example of a case report for a state examination in the field of clinical psychology – neuropsychology. The case report was used during the examination in 2023 and received a positive rating. Its publication is an attempt to respond to the still reported difficulties in accessing exemplary works of this type. Due to publication limitations, some elements of the description have been shortened. The article can also be treated as a case study on the cognitive functioning of a person with active herpes encephalitis. Both screening scales, such as Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination III and Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test, as well as other scales to measure individual cognitive functions were used in order to assess the patient.